Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Week 3 Exercise 6

Looks like there are a lot of fun things to do with your photos... I just poked around with two for this exercise. I looked at making a magazine cover... but it had too many lines of info to fill out and I am still trying to catch up! So I went with the Warholizer... very cool. Unfortunately it did not totally live up to my high expectations... I thought I would get a set of nine "Warholized" pics a la the example shown. However every set I tried resulted in at least two if not more of the frames being completely colored in. I am sure anyone looking over my shoulder probably thought I was goofing off at work... playing with pictures of my baby niece... but I was not... yeah Lib 2.0! Anyway, as I am so very inventive I finally gave up and just picked one. Tah dah...

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